Nautical Chart 2205: Killarney to Little Current


This remarkable nautical chart and the products of the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS – Fisheries and Oceans Canada) enhance the safety of navigation in Canadian waters. These nautical charts are true “road maps” that guide navigators from port to port safely. The CHS plays a more important role than ever due to the growth of activities related to maritime transport, fisheries, recreational boating, and ocean resource exploitation.

This nautical chart essentially indicates soundings and isobaths (water depth), hazards (reefs, shoals, wrecks, submerged munitions), maritime regulations, maritime signaling (lighthouses, beacons, buoys), and landmarks.

The nautical charts are regularly updated by the government. You are legally required to have CHS nautical charts on board your vessel. Section 6 of the Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020, established under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, administered and enforced by Transport Canada, provides for the mandatory carriage of Canadian nautical charts and publications for Canadian vessels worldwide and foreign vessels in Canadian waters.

The Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) publishes more than 900 nautical charts, all described in a series of four free catalogs covering the Pacific coast, central Canada, the Atlantic coast, and the Arctic. Consult the Nautical Chart Index to view the catalogs in an interactive format or download a PDF version by clicking here. If you want a chart that is not listed on our website, feel free to contact us and purchase it on-demand. We will receive the map in 3-5 working days.

LAMINATING a nautical chart increases its durability. They become waterproof and tear-resistant. The two thin layers of plastic allow the original chart’s flexibility and suppleness to be maintained. It is therefore possible to fold or roll the chart afterward. Additionally, it is possible to write and erase using permanent or erasable markers.

We offer several navigation instruments to help you plan your trips and find your azimuth.

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Paper, Plastic

