THE reference in Quebec !

We offer several services in-store that are not available on our website. If you have any questions about them, you can call us, write to us or simply visit us in our Ontario street premises in Montreal.

It is possible to PLASTICIZE nearly any kind of paper document which one of it’s side’s length is smaller than 48 inches (122 cm) or equal. If the document’s length is less than 25 inches (63,5 cm) or equal, we can plasticize it in less than 5 minutes, just before your eyes. If not, it will have to wait until Tuesday or Thursday afternoon. A plasticized map will last longer; it will resist rips, rain and normal decay. We use two very thin plastic films on each side of the document. The results are still flexible enough to roll or fold the plasticized map. The price of a plasticizing is determined by the length of the document. The current price is 0,60$ per linear inch. Pr-established prices exist for several maps. It’s 8$ for topographical maps at a scale of 1:50 000 1:100 000 1:250 000 and JLC Géomatique’s topo maps. It’s 10$ for Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s marine maps, NAV CANADA’s aeronautical charts, forestry maps and topographical maps at a scale of 1:20 000.

Any type of document, like the maps we sell in-store, can be LAMINATED. The price of a lamination is determined by the area (length x width) of the document. There are several types of lamination that have their own prices : floater, presswood, flushmount, foamcore panel. A 5 days delay is necessary for the confection of a laminated document.

Your territory too big for a simple map and you can’t or don’t want a personalized or tailored map? No problem. We can do a MAP ASSEMBLY between 2 or more maps to create a “super-map”. It can then be plasticized or laminated. A small delay can be necessary, depending on the dimension or the number of the maps assembled.

The AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY RESEARCHES are done in-store. There are several scales available and a single territory can appear on more than one picture (at different places) and has been photographed several times since the sixties. Our specialists will find the photo that suits best your needs. Research fees of 6$ (0,63$ for historical researches) add up. We are only a distribution counter and have to order the photos from Quebec City. A regular delay of 2-3 weeks is necessary, unless you opt for the express service (3-5 days), which will double the price of the photo alone. Expedition fees of 15$ must also be added to the total price of the order, whether it be delivered at our store or your address. It is afterward possible to order an enlargement of the photo; it must first be ordered in the regular format.

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