A travel guide is a book that contains information on a given destination, designed for visitors and travellers. It is the perfect tool to organize your trip in advance or to find the answers to your questions once you are there and exploring. Travel guides include information on sights, lodging, restaurants, activities, travel tips and historical and cultural information about the destination you are visiting.

Aux Quatre Points Cardinaux offers a wide selection of travel guides for every travel destination on the planet, on every continent, including: Canada, Quebec, Africa, Bahamas, Cuba, United States (USA), Haiti, Jamaica, Panama and Mexico. We also sell plenty of City Guides for travellers who only want to visit major cities or for others who wish to gather deeper information about a given city: Montreal, Paris, Barcelona, London, Rome, New York, San Francisco, Boston and many more…

Discovery, exploration, culture, gastronomy, cruises, unconventional trip, adventure travel… There is a type of guide for all your needs.

Low budget, backpacking, public transportation? A “practical” travel guide like the Lonely Planet is what you are looking for.

Higher budget, organized trip? Travel guides oriented towards sights, culture and history will better serve your needs. Look for National Geographic guides or Eyewitness travel guides.

Coffee table books

Geographic atlas

History books/atlases

Language Guides

Travel guides

Travel literature

Travel notebooks

Useful tips

World cooking recipees